
We also have the skills and necessary training to be an Invisalign® Dentist, treating patients throughout the Fremont, Bay Area. Invisalign® is an excellent way to straighten your teeth and adults of all ages often prefer it over traditional metal braces. If you want to improve the appearance of your smile, call (510) 651 7500 to schedule a consultation and see if Invisalign® is right for you.

Teenagers and adults love Invisalign® because it straightens teeth without anyone noticing that you are correcting your smile.

How does Invisalign® work?
As an Invisalign® dentist, our team straightens teeth using a series of aligners. First, an impression of your teeth is taken so that a series of aligners can be created in a dental lab. The aligners themselves are made out of a thermoplastic material that is strong and at the same time flexible in order to be comfortable when worn for long periods of time. The material is virtually invisible.

The aligners should be worn for 22 hours a day and every two weeks; they need to be switched out with the next one in the series. Over a period of months, the aligners will slowly move teeth into place, making one minor adjustment at a time that is targeted to specific teeth. This helps your teeth to be comfortable as they are moved into position at a manageable pace. Once you are done wearing your aligners, your teeth should be perfectly straight.

Benefits of Invisalign®

  • – Patients may prefer wearing Invisalign® because of how convenient it is in comparison to wearing traditional braces.
  • – The aligners are clear so no one can tell you are straightening your teeth.
  • – They are only worn for 22 hours a day so you can take them out to eat dinner, go on a date, or make an important presentation at work.
  • – You can brush and floss your teeth like normal, and no additional tools are required.
  • – There is less of a risk that your teeth will become stained as compared with wearing metal braces that can be difficult to clean.
  • – The procedure is more comfortable than metal braces since the aligners move teeth into place slowly and only focus on a few teeth at a time.
  • – Aligners are easy to take care of, and you only use the same aligner for a couple of weeks.

How do I care for my aligners?
We recommend that patients remove their aligner and rinse it with warm water on a daily basis. You may also want to brush them with a soft toothbrush.

Some patients need to wear attachments or ridges in order to ensure that their teeth move into place perfectly. An attachment is a clear bump that is made of an enamel colored composite and secured to the teeth. Bumps on your aligners will grip them in order to hold the aligner in place. Ridges work in a similar way only an indent is created instead of a raised bump. This can be necessary for more complicated cases to ensure that a particular tooth, or several teeth, move into place like they should.

How will Invisalign® impact my life?
Unlike wearing traditional braces, Invisalign® will not make a major impact on your quality of life. Since the aligners are clear, it will not impact your appearance. Additionally, since they only need to be worn for 22 hours a day, they will not interfere with eating. This is a huge advantage because you can eat your favorite plate of ribs, go out for a romantic date, eat a caramel apple without worrying about something becoming stuck in your teeth or a wire being pulled out of place. This time also allows you to take the aligner out when having an important conversation or making a presentation at work. Overall, this is a convenient way to straighten your teeth and provides the maximum level of flexibility.

Some people are concerned about whether or not wearing an aligner will impact their speech. Most of our Fremont, Bay Area patients tell us that they have to get used to wearing aligners after the first couple of days. Sometimes, patients have a slight lisp which goes away once they become used to speaking while wearing them. This is standard with any orthodontic procedure but fortunately; most people can speak normally within a couple of days.